Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Being on Pintrest awakens the dreamer in me... I love finding things that I want to do for my future home, for my future wedding, and all the fun sayings and such.... But there is a downside to this awakening. It often comes with a slight melancholy due to the fact that my future nuptials seem so far away.. along with the man. Dreaming about him is bad for me... But he's the only one I want

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Just some crazy ramblings from my brain.

So... You know how you know those people who over-analyze EVERTYHING, and over-think about situations, and basically just drive themselves (and you as well) crazy? I'm one of those people. I blame it on the fact that I'm not very good at reading people, so in some situations, I have no frickin clue what the hell is going on. I don't know if some guy is flirting with me.. or if he's just trying to sell me something because he's on commission or something (looking at you Hot Topic guys). But as annoying as I'm sure it is to other people around me, it's just as-if not more- annoying to me. There are some social situations where I don't know how to operate.. then I end up making an ass outta myself because I'm a freak like that. I'm not harsh on myself at all, am I? So the next time you want to strangle your friend because she seems so obtuese ( Is that how you spell that? Gosh, this thing needs instant spellcheck.. they updated the layout, but no spellcheck??)(anyways..), give her a little grace.. she is obtuese, and she needs your help.