Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The Dutch side of me finds it so hard to dream. I have problems getting out of my comfort zone... frankly, it scares the shit out of me.

But I long to dream and I long to do great things.

I dream of a day where I leave this sleepy little Podunk town, and go to a city like New York.. become an actress and a singer. I feel like maybe I could be that girl... the normal girl who becomes the famous person on the red carpet.

I also dream of finding a man. Yes, right now the dream is that I meet Him and he falls in love with me, and we enter this amazing relationship and he loves me.

But I can't.

I can't dream. It scares me to think about leaving my little town. And I mean, my voice may be great for this little town and it may impress the people around me... But if I were to get into a big city, I'd just be another girl trying to be Lea Michele.

And I know that I can't dream about Him. It's not going to happen.

It's so hopeless.

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