Friday, August 19, 2011

More late night rambles.. even though it's really not that late...

I have a feeling that I do my best blogging at night.. maybe it's just that I'm winding down, and I have time to put down some thoughts...

Or maybe I'm just weird.

This blog may quickly become a place for me to analyze myself, so if anyone is actually reading this, bear with me.. this is my mind. Be grateful you don't have to deal with it.

So the musing for the night is my inability to change/fear of it.

I'm a planner. I blame my mother... She's always making lists and freaks out at the slightest whiff of spontanitiety ( or however it's spelled). Thus, growing up underneath this, I am like that. I'm just too damn responsible.. I have to think things through, plan, and debate and hem and haw before making a critical decision.

Some may say this is a good quality, and it does have it's advantages... but mainly it's a pain. I'm a scardey-cat. I don't take very many chances, and when I do take them, they're usually safe ones.

This is one of many things that I would change about myself. But how to do it?

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